Incident at sea poses major treatment dilemma
A merchant seaman suffered a serious accident on board ship. The ship’s medical insurers contacted Intana Global to investigate whether, in the event he might be permanently disabled, he would qualify for a significant disability benefit, or could be treated to return to normal duties. Based on expert medical opinion, we advised that his condition could be treated, and he could withstand a long flight to Europe. We managed his travel logistics, and the operation was successful.
The whole story
After his ship picked up cargo at the Pakistani port of Karachi, a seaman went below to carry out routine checks. On his way back up the ladder, he fell, causing a massive head injury and fractures to his neck vertebrae. Airlifted to a hospital in Goa, he had an immediate operation to relieve pressure on his brain. Although successful, he still needed major treatment to his neck.
The ship owners’ medical insurers then contacted Intana Global to investigate whether, in the event the patient would be permanently disabled, he would qualify for a significant disability benefit, or whether further treatment could help him return to work. We delivered a comprehensive response:
- Latest information about the patient’s condition, treatment options, and chances of successful treatment were obtained
- A London consultant provided expert opinion that the neck was treatable and a return to work could be achieved
- We assessed treatments available in India and elsewhere in the region, and recommended that London offered the best option
- Our in-flight specialist doctor was confident that the patient was not at risk during the long flight if he was secure on a stretcher, and accompanied by a medical team
- The insurer agreed, and we developed a detailed plan Our local agents arranged an air ambulance from Goa to Bangalore, and we assumed responsibility for the patient from Bangalore to London
- The patient was admitted to the Centre for Neuro-Sciences
The operation was a complete success and the patient started rehabilitation.
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