Airlifted out of Kabul in 24 hours

A client’s employee suffered a brain haemorrhage while working in Kabul, Afghanistan. The local hospital had inadequate treatment facilities. Within 90 minutes of being notified by IDG, we sourced medical information, commissioned an air ambulance flight to Delhi, appointed local agents to help the evacuation, and managed requirements for entering India’s borders. Within 24 hours, the employee was safely admitted to Delhi Hospital, and receiving the treatment he needed.

The whole story

When one of our clients emailed us about one of its staff in Afghanistan, we knew we had to act quickly to help with a grave situation. The employee had suffered a brain haemorrhage. The company was worried about the local Kabul hospital’s ability to treat a serious condition.


We had the email at 17:00 on a Monday afternoon. Within 90 minutes:

  • A copy of the policy was obtained from the insurance broker
  • Information about the patient’s condition was sourced, and our medical department agreed to an air ambulance evacuation
  • Delhi Hospital was identified as the best treatment option
  • Local agents were appointed to assist the evacuation
  • An air ambulance company in Delhi was appointed
  • IDG was regularly updated by telephone, with confirmation by email
  • Passport and other border control requirements were met
  • Underwriters and brokers were notified

Overnight and early Tuesday morning:

  • We committed the air ambulance company to schedule a flight for Tuesday
  • All final arrangements were confirmed with our client

At 20:00 on Tuesday:

  • Confirmation was received that evacuation arrangements had gone without a hitch, and the patient had been admitted to Delhi Hospital

Case Study

Airlifted out of Kabul in 24 hours

A client’s employee suffered a brain haemorrhage while working in Kabul, Afghanistan. The local hospital had inadequate treatment facilities. Within 90 minutes of being notified by IDG, we sourced medical information, commissioned an air ambulance flight to Delhi, appointed local agents to help the evacuation, and managed requirements for entering India’s borders. Within 24 hours, the employee was safely admitted to Delhi Hospital, and receiving the treatment he needed.

The whole story

Case Study

Hours to live

An insured traveller sought Intana Global’s urgent help when she heard that her father was expected to die imminently. Although she was unable to claim on her insurance policy immediately, we investigated the fastest and most cost-effective flights, and advised on luggage to optimise transfers. Although she had to pay for her flights in advance, our advice gave her the best chance to see her father alive. We were successful in recouping her expenses at a later date.

The whole story

Case Study

Safe home from a US road accident

Our client’s employee was in a road accident while on business in the US. We spoke to his hospital doctor to understand the extent of his injuries, and gave guarantees of payment for medical bills. We liaised with his employer, our client, so his family could be updated with information. We arranged business class upgrade for his flight home to the UK, with ‘fitness to fly’ sign off, escort through border controls, and a taxi home.

The whole story

Case Study

Supporting wounded servicemen in Afghanistan

When a military convoy in Afghanistan came into contact with an Improvised Explosive Device, four vehicle personnel were severely wounded and two were killed. Intana Global coordinated evacuation to Dubai for the wounded Guardsmen to receive treatment, and arranged repatriation of the deceased servicemen’s mortal remains to Nepal.

The whole story

Case Study

Flight restrictions no barrier to evacuation

Our mining client had an employee working in Sierra Leone who suffered a serious accident at work. We liaised closely with the onsite paramedic and our client’s CEO to evacuate the patient to nearby Freetown. Unfortunately, further surgery was needed and this could only be undertaken at a hospital in Johannesburg – some 6,500 miles away. Further surgery was arranged in a Johannesburg hospital, but serious airspace restrictions made getting him there difficult. Intana Global planned a complex route to South Africa, including commercial flights via the UK. We also arranged all guarantees and follow up treatment for more than 12 months.

The whole story

Case Study

Using our network to resolve a dilemma

A young traveller in Chile faced a major dilemma after admission to hospital with dehydration. Following treatment, the Santiago hospital refused to accept written confirmation of insurance to cover medical bills. The hospital withheld the patient’s passport, preventing further travel plans. Intana Global used close links with Lloyds of London underwriters to contact a local agent. The agent immediately provided cash to cover the bills, and the traveller was discharged without delay.

The whole story

Case Study

Doing the right thing – whatever the circumstances

When one of Intana Global’s customers was found unconscious and alone in Thailand, it was clear that his condition was life threatening and he needed to be to be evacuated to Bangkok for treatment. Key decisions such as these need consent however he was in no position to provide it. Although we were advised he would not survive, we followed our core ethos in providing the best possible medical treatment – even if the patient is unaware of the efforts we are making. We therefore managed his repatriation to the UK, where he was able to die in the most appropriate and caring environment.

The whole story

Case Study

Claim Recovery – travel insurer saves $65,000

When a husband and wife were hospitalised following a serious road accident overseas, Intana Global managed the couple’s total inpatient care, and repatriated them back to the UK. We provided information for a claim to a third party motorist involved in the accident. When we discovered that the third party had no insurance, we pursued the claim directly with the uninsured motorist and a car rental company. Through our support, the couple’s insurer has saved over $65,000.

The whole story

Case Study

Social and domestic nightmare – getting an elderly family home

An elderly customer suffered a life-threatening medical event while flying home to the UK from the USA. After a forced landing in Canada, Intana Global arranged treatment, and a complicated repatriation which included in-flight oxygen and a doctor to escort her in business class. We arranged accommodation for two elderly family members who were travelling with her to stay in a managed care facility while their relative recovered, and our underwriters agreed to cover their nursing support throughout.

The whole story

Case Study

Global support speeds a complex repatriation

A young American missionary was working in Chad, Central Africa, when he suffered severe, prolonged headaches. With no local hospital facilities available, Intana Global planned an immediate airlift, but night landing was impossible in the remote location. An emergency evacuation to Nairobi was arranged, and Meningitis was diagnosed. Unable to get suitable treatment back in Chad, we managed a complex repatriation to the USA via Amsterdam and Minneapolis, using multiple providers along the way.

The whole story

Case Study

Incident at sea poses major treatment dilemma

A merchant seaman suffered a serious accident on board ship. The ship’s medical insurers contacted Intana Global to investigate whether, in the event he might be permanently disabled, he would qualify for a significant disability benefit, or could be treated to return to normal duties. Based on expert medical opinion, we advised that his condition could be treated, and he could withstand a long flight to Europe. We managed his travel logistics, and the operation was successful.

The whole story

Case Study

Asian dilemma – swift action saves limb amputation

When a client’s employee suffered a minor abrasion to his foot while working in a remote part of Vietnam, he thought little more about it and continued his normal duties. But the foot injury became infected, and it was only speedy evacuation to a hospital in Singapore that saved his leg from amputation. Happily, the patient made a full recovery. He returned to his home in Bulgaria a few weeks later to continue physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment.

The whole story

Case Study

Trauma in Cyprus

Our client was a Mozambican national, working in Cyprus for a security firm clearing landmines. He stepped on a mine during his duties, and his left foot had to be amputated. We and our local agents arranged for his flight to South Africa for a prosthesis fitting assessment. After successful surgery, accommodation near the hospital was found so he could have physiotherapy, and he was then repatriated back to Mozambique.

The whole story


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